(Nove mber 23, 196 1) Two volum e-cha ngi ng processes found useful in stud yin g t he m echanis m of viscous flow in glasses a re : (a) stress-indu ced variation in fi ss ming near "itrons at t heir p eripheries w here the Si-O bonds a re te nsed and weakened , a nd (b) di sten t ion and modification of a ll s ilica n etwork by add ed oxides. These ideali zed processes, readily d eri vable from t he vit roll concept of pentagonal rin g struc t ure in glass (1),2 a re sensitive to both temperat ure an d composition a nd have previously been found useful [1 , 2, 3, 4, 5] for understandin g other p roperties of glasses.Vi sco us flow of vi trons as units in an nealing ranges, and at hi g her processing temperat ures for s ili ca-rich glasses, is here viewed as permitted prim ari ly by t h e breaking of te nsed and weakened Si-O bonds in s hell-like stressed t iss ues surrounding vitrons. For modificrrich glasses at high temperatures, where t he activation energy of flow is known to be low for a l kali silicates but slight ly higher for a lka line ear ths, t he s hearin g of cation-to-oxygen bonds may also be involved . The fi s ures between vitrons and m atrix network m ay provide fr ee volume for cooperative man euvers a mong t he vitrons.At high processing te mper atures, bot h viscosity and activation energy of flow are known to deCl'ease monotonicall y and at first wit h extre me rapid ity as t he content of modifi ers increases. This is understand able if even slight modification materi a ll y decreases t h e local pliabili ty of t he matri x n etwork and oxide-volume expansio n progressivel y widens t he fi ss ures t hat must be created at vitroll p eripheries where t he radial contraction of vitron growth potential is chec ked by tangential Si-O bond str esses .On coolin g toward ann ealing te mperat ures, t he observed rapid increases in viscosity a nd i n acti vation energy of flow a re here ascribed to a general tendency toward narrowi ng of peripheral fiss ures, with stronger bonds t herei n, as t he di stort ed dodecahedral cage ret urn toward symmetr y in r esponse to t he increases in 0-0 r epulsion s. Such repulsions increa e with extreme rapidity if ionic sep arations become s ma ller t han equilibrium dista nccs.N ear t he a nnealing ranges where it beco mes necessar y to hold glasses at constant te mpcratures for apprecia ble t im es in order to observe flow of the hi gh-temperat ure type, i t is noticeable t hat t he activation cnergy of How increases as t he content of modificrs increa es. This s uggests t hat t he closure of fi ss ures at t hese very low processin g te mpcraLure may be more effective in preven ting cooperative m aneuvers t han in r esealing t he w eak a nd brokcn Si-O bonds.Below a nnealing temperatures, where t he read ily observed viscosities become somewhat higher while t he activation energies d ecrease very rapidly, it is suggested t hat t he character o f fl ow is changing un til fin ally t her e are possible onl y volume relaxations with su ch sm all relative movem...