“…Roberts and Rosier (1993) adopted a single-layer model because of the lack of changes in values of g s , temperature and vapour pressure deficit with depth in the canopies. Transpiration was very sensitive to the value of L and largely Table 6 Values of maximum stomatal conductance (g smax ) maximum photosynthesis rates (A max ) maximum rates of carboxylation activity (V cmax ) and rates of electron transport at saturating irradiance (J max ) for selected Eucalyptus species This Table is compiled from data published by Grassi et al (2002), Kirschbaum and Farquhar (1984), Kirschbaum and Tompkins (1990), Kuppers et al (1987), Dye and Olbrich (1993), Roberts and Rosier (1993), Sheriff and Nambiar (1991), Sheriff (1992), Wullschleger (1993), Eamus et al (1995), David et al (1997), Eamus and Cole (1997), Myers et al (1997), Kallarackal and Somen (1997), Mielke et al (1999), White et al (1999White et al ( , 2000, James and Bell (2000), Clearwater and Meinzer (2001), Close and Beadle (2003). insensitive to changes in available energy, temperature and g b .…”