Thep urposeo ft hisa rticle is to discuss the possible implications of applying non medical prescribingp racticest oaC lozapine clinici nt he Rotherham, Doncaster andS outh Humber Mental HealthN HS Foundation Trust( RDASH).T or eflecto ns uchi ssues the current workingp ractices, and the wayi nw hich non medicalp rescribingm ay be used, will be considered, thusi dentifyingt he perceivedn eed and evidence basef or an on medical prescribingr olet oi mprovet he qualityo fc aref or serviceu sers withint he Clozapine clinic. Thea pparent expectations of non medicalp rescribingf romc linics taff,c olleaguesa nd service usersw ill be considered including the suggested benefits,b arrierst oe ffective working, fears, concerns and practicalimplications.