Memory is initially labile and gradually consolidated over time through new protein synthesis into a long-lasting stable form. Studies of odor-shock associative learning in Drosophila have established the mushroom body (MB) as a key brain structure involved in olfactory long-term memory (LTM) formation. Exactly how early neural activity encoded in thousands of MB neurons is consolidated into protein-synthesis-dependent LTM remains unclear. Here, several independent lines of evidence indicate that changes in two MB vertical lobe V3 (MB-V3) extrinsic neurons are required and contribute to an extended neural network involved in olfactory LTM: (i) inhibiting protein synthesis in MB-V3 neurons impairs LTM; (ii) MB-V3 neurons show enhanced neural activity after spaced but not massed training; (iii) MB-V3 dendrites, synapsing with hundreds of MB ι/β neurons, exhibit dramatic structural plasticity after removal of olfactory inputs; (iv) neurotransmission from MB-V3 neurons is necessary for LTM retrieval; and (v) RNAi-mediated downregulation of oo18 RNA-binding protein (involved in local regulation of protein translation) in MB-V3 neurons impairs LTM. Our results suggest a model of long-term memory formation that includes a systems-level consolidation process, wherein an early, labile olfactory memory represented by neural activity in a sparse subset of MB neurons is converted into a stable LTM through protein synthesis in dendrites of MB-V3 neurons synapsed onto MB ι lobes.L ong-term memory (LTM) and long-term synaptic plasticity require de novo protein synthesis, which is regulated at transcriptional and/or translational levels in a synapse-specific manner (1-3). Synapse-specific plasticity during LTM formation in some contexts may involve local regulation of protein translation by a family of RNA-binding proteins, the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding proteins (CPEBs) (2). Neuronal CPEBs have two conformational states. The inactive state predominates at low levels of CPEB expression and represses translation from nascent mRNAs. The active state is achieved either via a self-perpetuating prion-like state when expression levels surpass a threshold or via Ca 2+ /calmoduline-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)-mediated phosphorylation, and translation is initiated by elongation of an mRNA's poly-A tail (4-6). In other species, CPEB1 has been shown to contribute to long-term facilitation or potentiation (5, 7). In Drosophila, oo18 RNA-binding protein 2 (ORB2) appears required for long-term memory formation after courtship conditioning (8, 9). Any role for ORB in fruit fly memory formation, however, remains unclear.Drosophila can learn to associate an odor (conditioned stimulus, CS) with foot-shock punishment (unconditioned stimulus, US). This odor-shock association initially is labile, lasting for only about a day after one training session. With repetitive, spaced training (ST) sessions (rest intervals between each session), a protein synthesis-dependent, LTM is formed. With repetitive, massed training (MT) ses...