Fluid flows have proved to be an integral part of many metallurgical processing operations. Metal, slag, and gas flows invariably affect the viability, effectiveness, and efficiency, of our reactor vessels. The performance characteristics of our blast furnaces and steelmaking vessels, such as BOF's, OBM's, ladles, tundishes, and the moulds of continuous casting machines, are all strongly influenced by such flows. Similarly, liquid metal quality and cast micro-structures, are also bound up with the way fluids have flowed and interacted. In all these aspects, the rapid evolution in our techniques and abilities to mathematically and physically model single and multi-phase flows and their attendant heat and mass transfer processes, have contributed significantly to our understanding, and ability, to control and improve these metallurgical processing operations, and to develop new and better processes. The evolution and application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) over the past four decades has been particularly impressive. The author's many fine Japanese graduate students have made very valuable contributions to this new field of research for Process Metallurgists, as well as to the founding and scientific support of the McGill Metals Processing Centre, MMPC, following their return to Japan.KEY WORDS: fluid flow; computational fluid dynamics; water models; blast furnace; steelmaking vessels; ladles; tundishes; moulds; continuous casting; strip casting; horizontal single belt casting; inclusions; liquid metal quality; LiMCA; ESZ-pas; ab-initio heat flux predictions.
1453© 2009 ISIJ Review gical and hydro-metallurgical, all involve fluid flows, in one way or another, in association with heat and mass exchanges between gaseous, liquid and solid phases.Today, fluid flows still abound for the material scientists, but I suspect few appreciate it, unless their educational background includes a little Process Metallurgy, or its equivalent. Consider the production of advanced materials involving the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of turbine blade super-alloys with nickel based deposits of alumina, or the transport of SiF 4 gas and special additives onto the insides of glass tubes so as to create fibre-optic cables, or the wetting and coating of plastic compact discs with molten aluminum, or the role of natural convection in the production of single crystals of silicon from a melt, etc., etc.
The Theory of Fluid FlowsWhat exactly do we know about fluid mechanics? Stripped to its essence, a fluid is defined as a substance that cannot sustain shear stresses without moving. For instance, a stable, motionless pool of liquid steel can be contained within an adiabatic ladle, but if there are any heat losses to the walls, thermal density differences between cooler steel at the sidewalls will lead to gradients in density and therefore weight. These spatial differences in gravitational forces, in turn, will generate re-circulatory natural convective flows. Similarly, once a tap-hole or slide-gate nozzle is opened, the large stat...