Chinese eaglewood leaves are dried in a constant environment testing machine, and the curves of drying and rolling deformation are obtained under different temperatures, humidity levels, and restricted space conditions. Results show that drying rate increases with drying temperature but slightly decreases with an increase in humidity or a decrease in restricted space. The edges of the leaves roll inwardly when dried without any limit but roll outwardly under a restricted space. A low restricted height indicates a small leaf roll index (LRI), which is conducive to shredding in the later stage of manufacture of eaglewood cigarettes. When the leaves are dried restrictedly, the effects of drying temperature and air humidity on the LRI are minimal, and the LRI slightly increases with an increase in temperature or a decrease in humidity.
Practical Applications
China Jiangsu Tobacco Industrial Company has added a certain amount of dry eaglewood leaves to tobacco and manufactured cigarettes of eaglewood leaves. The pharmacological effects of eaglewood can reduce the harm of tobacco on the human body. Fresh eaglewood leaves are dried until the moisture content is below 14% and then rehydrated and shredded during the manufacture of cut tobacco. Rolling deformation occurs during drying, and over rolling of leaves produces irregular shredding that affects the quality of cut tobacco. In this study, the drying and rolling deformation characteristics of eaglewood leaves in restricted spaces are explored to reduce the rolling deformation of the leaves during drying.