In vivo oximetry by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance is based on
measurements of changes in electron spin relaxation rates of probe molecules,
such as the triarylmethyl radicals. A series of experiments was performed at
frequencies between 250 MHz and 1.5 GHz to assist in the selection of an optimum
frequency for oximetry. Electron spin relaxation rates for the triarylmethyl
radical OX063 as a function of radical concentration, salt concentration, and
resonance frequency were measured by electron spin echo 2-pulse decay and
3-pulse inversion recovery in the frequency range of 250 MHz–1.5 GHz. At
constant OX063 concentration, 1/T1 decreases with increasing
frequency because the tumbling dependent processes that dominate relaxation at
250 MHz are less effective at higher frequency. 1/T2 also decreases
with increasing frequency because 1/T1 is a significant contribution
to 1/T2 for trityl radicals in fluid solution.
1/T2–1/T1, the incomplete motional averaging
contribution to 1/T2, increases with increasing frequency. At
constant frequency, relaxation rates increase with increasing radical
concentration due to contributions from collisions that are more effective for
1/T2 than 1/T1. The collisional contribution to
relaxation increases as the concentration of counter-ions in solution increases,
which is attributed to interactions of cations with the negatively charged
radicals that decrease repulsion between trityl radicals. The Signal-to-Noise
ratio (S/N) of field-swept echo-detected spectra of OX063 were measured in the
frequency range of 400 MHz–1 GHz. S/N values, normalized by √Q,
increase as frequency increases. Adding salt to the radical solution decreased
S/N because salt lowers the resonator Q. Changing the temperature from 19 to 37
°C caused little change in S/N at 700 MHz. Both slower relaxation rates
and higher S/N at higher frequencies are advantageous for oximetry. The
potential disadvantage of higher frequencies is the decreased depth of
penetration into tissue.