Abstract. The sol-gel process was applied to the preparation of Sm 2+ ion-doped silicate glasses, which show persistent spectral hole burning at room temperature. The gels synthesized by the hydrolysis of metal alkoxides and SmCI3 9 6H20 were heated in air at 500~ were then reacted with H2 gas to form the Sm 2+ ion. The A1203-Si022 glasses are appropriate to reduce the Sm 3+ ion with H2 gas and show intense photoluminescence of Sm 2+ ion. Persistent spectra hole burning was observed in the excitation spectrum for the 7Fo ~ 5Do transition of the Sm 2+ ion by the irradiation of DCM dye laser. The hole width and depth were "-d6 cm -1 and ~10% of the total intensity, respectively, at 20~