Introduction:The aim of this study was to investigate the root and root canal anatomy of mandibular canine in Egyptian subpopulation.Methods: 1000 CBCT scans of completely erupted mandibular permanent canines were acquired from Egyptian patients, The number and percentages of roots, canals, and types of canal morphology were then examined in teeth utilizing Vertucci's classification.Results: the percentage for mandibular canine with two roots was very small (1.2%), the percentages for a two root canals mandibular canine was 21%, Vertucci type V recorded the highest percentage (7.8%), followed by type II (6.6%), then type IV(4.9%) and the least percentage configuration was type III (1.7%).
Conclusion:Different studies on different population and even on the same populations yielded variable results, therefore the existence of all possibilities for extra roots and extra canals should be always kept in mind. CBCT scan is a must in any case with suspected unusual anatomy, to avoid any mishaps.
Clinical implications:Even though one root mandibular canine with Vertucci type I recorded the highest prevalence, two rooted mandibular canine and one root with two root canals does occur and should be considered during root canal treatment of this tooth.