“…Total carbon and nitrogen contents as well as the 15 N and 13 C abundances were determined using an elemental analyzer (NA 2500CE Instruments, Milan, Italy) coupled via a Conflo II interface to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Delta Plus, Thermo Finnigan MAT GmbH, Bremen, Germany). Alternatively, samples were analyzed with an elemental analyzer NA 1108, Fisons-Instruments, Rodano, Milan, Italy and a mass spectrometer (Delta C, Finnigan MAT, Bremen, Germany) coupled by a ConFlo III interface (Thermo Electron Corporation, Bremen, Germany) (Zieger et al, 2017). A working standard (glutamic acid) was calibrated against the primary standards of the United States Geological Survey 40 (USGS 40; glutamic acid δ 13 CPDB = -26.39‰) and USGS 41 (glutamic acid δ 13 CPDB = 37.63‰) for δ 13 C, and USGS 40 (glutamic acid δ 15 N air = -4.5‰) and USGS 41 (glutamic acid δ 15 N air = 47.600‰) for δ 15 N. Standards were analyzed after every tenth sample to account for potential instrument drift over time as described by Dannenmann et al (2009) and Simon et al (2011).…”