The fascination with symmetry and the multitude of its manifestations in nature ean be traced back to the earliest times of human civilization. Its importance as a basic unifying principle for our understanding of the physical universe can hardly be overestimated. Initially it was of course the most conspicuous geometrical symmetry, with its unquestionable aesthetic appeal, that enabled scientists to systematically classify erystal structures and unravel the eomplexities of molecular spectra. More reeently, especially with the advent of quantum mechanics, an entirely new universe of very subtle symmetries was opened up and the intrinsic elegance and mathematical beauty of fundamental physical la ws of nature was revealed, manifesting itself in countless phenomena ranging from the discovery of antiparticles to our understanding of the periodic table and ehemical bonding. Nowadays, these limits are further expanded by probing various dynamical and gauge symmetries, quasi-symmetries and so-called supersymmetries.While classical geometrie al symmetries deal with at most three-dimensional objeets and are easily comprehended and appreciated by our senses. various symmetries that are relevant in the submicroscopic world characterize objects and concepts that can only be defined in highly-dimensional abstract spaces. Even here, however, there is a fundamental difference between present-day classical symmetries that are characterized by the so-called invariance, symmetry or degeneracy group of the Hamiltonian of the studied system (see, for example, Hamermesh, 1962;McWeeny, 1963;Chen, 1989; and references therein) and the rather recently introduced dynamical groups or spectrum generating algebras (Bohm et al., 1988) that are required to contain all the bound states of the system within a single irreducible representation (e.g., SO(4,2) or SO(2,