DOI: 10.20471/may.2019.55.01.06
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Roots of Alexithymia

Abstract: Historical background and theoretical framework of the alexithymia concept The term alexithymia (Greek; a = lack, lexis = word, thymos = emotion, mood, or feeling) was coined by Sifneos and introduced in the early 1970s to denote a cluster of features including difficulty identifying and describing subjective feelings, a restricted fantasy life, and preoccupation with trivial aspects of external events' characteristics [1].

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Cited by 12 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 78 publications
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“…The EOT dimension corresponds closely to a concept of penseé opératoire (operative thinking) introduced by French researchers Marty and de M'Uzan. An operative or utilitarian style of thinking includes the absence of fantasy and other manifestations of the depleted inner mental world of feelings and ideas about intentions, needs, and attitudes and focused on external events (3,6). Whereas healthy individual integrate dreams, fantasies, or symbolic interactions in symbolic representations, the alexithymic individual fills his or her inner world with external details, a fact that can be particularly well observed (6,8).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The EOT dimension corresponds closely to a concept of penseé opératoire (operative thinking) introduced by French researchers Marty and de M'Uzan. An operative or utilitarian style of thinking includes the absence of fantasy and other manifestations of the depleted inner mental world of feelings and ideas about intentions, needs, and attitudes and focused on external events (3,6). Whereas healthy individual integrate dreams, fantasies, or symbolic interactions in symbolic representations, the alexithymic individual fills his or her inner world with external details, a fact that can be particularly well observed (6,8).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The construct of alexithymia refers to a cluster of features, comprising difficulty identifying and describing subjective feelings, an impoverished fantasy life, and preoccupation with external events rather than to inner mental processes (1)(2)(3). Initially, alexithymia was described in psychosomatic patients (4)(5)(6)(7).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Associations have also been reported in clinical research, for example, in patients suffering from alexithymia and borderline personality disorder. Both disorders are characterized by a lack of mentalization, and both disorders are characterized by the predominance of immature defense mechanisms ( 34 , 35 ). Furthermore, both the enhancement of reflective functioning and the maturation of defense mechanisms are associated with mental stability and with progress in psychotherapy, e.g., in the treatment of personality disorders ( 11 , 28 , 36 , 37 ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In Croatia, there are more than 18,000 (registered) patients with schizophrenia, and 1,000 are hospitalized on a yearly basis ( 2 ). Since schizophrenia begins slowly, with gradual onset of symptoms, it often remains unrecognized and untreated for a certain period of time ( 3 ). The period during which the patient manifests symptoms of the disease and has not been treated is called duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) ( 4 ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%