In the middle Yellow River basin, the Hanchiku method has started in B.C.3 thousand in order to compact densely the Chinese Loess for the construction of ancient earth fills. In the Chang River basin, the employment of Hanchiku technique was behind the Yellow River Basin because of cohesive property of the Chang River basin soils. Since B.C. 1.1 thousand, in Jiangnan, the lower Chang River basin, burial mounds which are the overground burials have been constructed. However, large burial mounds (after B.C.5 hundred) in the Yellow River basin, are the underground burials and these burial styles propagated to Lelang Commandery (B.C.108~) in the Korean Peninsula. In the mountainous Northeastern region, China, cairns burials using river field stones started in B.C.4 thousand. All burial mounds in Japan including the Yoshinogari burial mound (B.C.150)which was constructed by the Sochiku and Taiciku method and in the Southwest of the Korean Peninsula are the overground burials. These mounds are the same as the Jiangnan's burial style. As mentioned, construction methods of ancient earth fills (about B.C.4 thousand to A.D.3 hundred) have strong relations with the regional environments. And burial mounds can be divided into two groups, namely, the underground burials and the overground burials according to the environments.