A project for the research and development (R&D) of new nuclear fuels is a system with the following characteristics: having large number of stakeholders, progressing through a set of life cycle stages, validated by advanced measures of effectiveness, integrating multiple disciplines and specialty groups, and facilitated by enabling systems, thus can be effectively managed with the approach of systems engineering (SE). In this paper, the deployment of SE in global nuclear industry including Russia, the U.S., France, Korea and China is reviewed. By learning the experience of SE deployment in global nuclear industry, the SE characteristics of projects for the R&D of new nuclear fuels are analysed based on systems science. The R&D projects of medical cobalt adjuster rod assemblies and mobile nuclear reactor in China North Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd. (CNNFC) are discussed as SE practices. It is proposed that in order to accelerate the R&D of new nuclear fuels in nuclear fuel manufacturing plant, SE should be enhanced in the following aspects: adhering to systems science, making good use of SE engineers, introducing SE tools, and exploring SE characteristics.