Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak Rosella, pemberian filler tepung terigu dan mocaf, serta interaksi antara pemberian ekstrak Rosella dan pemberian filler tepung terigu dan mocaf terhadap sensoris sosis ayam. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan analisis variansi pola faktorial (3 konsentrasi ekstrak Rosella × 3 kombinasi filler) konsentrasi ekstrak Rosella 0, 4, 8 dan imbangan filler tepung terigu : tepung mocaf 100:0, 50:50, dan 0:100. Pengujian sensoris dilakukan oleh panelis. Kualitas sensoris dianalisis dengan analisis ragam ANOVA, dilanjutkan uji lanjut Duncan’s new Multiple Ranges Test (DMRT). Parameter yang diamati adalah kualitas sensoris berupa warna, rasa, aroma, tekstur, dan daya terima. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak Rosella sampai 8% mampu meningkatkan warna dan tekstur sosis ayam.Kata Kunci: Filler, Ekstrak Rosella, Sosis, SensorisThis study aims to determine the effect of adding Rosella extract, giving wheat flour and mocaf as filler, and the interaction between adding Rosella extract and giving wheat flour and mocaf as filler for chicken sausage sensory. The research design used factorial variance analysis (3 concentrations of Rosella extract × 3 filler combinations). Rosella extract concentration were 0, 4, and 8. The balance of wheat flour filler with mocaf flour were 100:0, 50:50, and 0:100. Sensory testing was carried out by panelists. Sensory quality was analyzed using ANOVA analysis of variance, followed by Duncan’s new Multiple Ranges Test (DMRT). The parameters observed were sensory qualities in the form of color, taste, aroma, texture, and acceptance. The results showed that the addition of Rosella extract up to 8% was able to improve the color and texture of chicken sausage.Keywords: Filler, Rosella extract, Sausage, Sensory