Abstract-We apply first-and second-order splitting schemes to the differential Riccati equation. Such equations are very important in e.g. linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problems, where they provide a link between the state of the system and the optimal input. The methods can also be extended to generalized Riccati equations, e.g. arising from LQR problems given in implicit form. In contrast to previously proposed schemes such as BDF or Rosenbrock methods, the splitting schemes exploit the fact that the nonlinear and affine parts of the problem, when considered in isolation, have closed-form solutions. We show that if the solution possesses low-rank structure, which is frequently the case, then this is preserved by the method. This feature is used to implement the methods efficiently for large-scale problems. The proposed methods are expected to be competitive, as they at most require the solution of a small number of linear equation systems per time step. Finally, we apply our low-rank implementations to the Riccati equations arising from two LQR problems. The results show that the rank of the solutions stay low, and the expected orders of convergence are observed.