A number of recent papers have been concerned with algorithms to decide the limiting behaviour of functions of a single variable. Here we make a corresponding study of a class of functions of two variables, namely the exp-log functions. As in the one-variable case, we need to make certain assumptions regarding the handling of constants.Two of the main tools in the one-variable case are Hardy fields and nested forms. Here, we show how to compute some asymptotic estimates for two-variable exp-log functions. This method is then used to give an algorithm for computing the nested forms of real implicit functions.c
Academic Press LimitedThis work is part of a global effort to automate the formal aspects of asymptotic expansions. It is possible to mechanize some techniques of asymptotics and build a computer algebra toolbox of these. A lot of work in symbolic asymptotics follows this approach and most existing facilities for asymptotic expansions in computer algebra systems have been obtained in this way. An alternative approach aims at studying the asymptotics of whole classes of problems, investigating all the possible asymptotic scales that may occur. The main tools here are nested forms and expansions, zero-equivalence methods and the theory of Hardy fields. The present paper follows this path. Nested forms and nested expansions were introduced by Shackell (1993a). A formal definition is given in Section 1. An example of a nested form is e log 2 xe √ log log x(c+φ 1 (x)), where c is a real constant and φ 1 (x) tends to 0 when x tends to infinity. In some cases, one can compute the nested form of φ 1 , introducing a new function φ 2 and then repeat the process, thus generating a sequence of nested forms; this sequence is called a nested expansion.The field H(x) of exp-log functions of a single variable, x, is formed of expressions built from x and the field K of real elementary constants (in the sense of Richardson, 1994), by means of arithmetic operations and the operations:In previous works (Shackell, 1990(Shackell, , 1993a(Shackell, , 1995(Shackell, , 1996Gruntz, 1996;Richardson et al., 1996) an algorithmic treatment in terms of nested expansions was given for the 0747-7171/98/030329 + 21 $25.00/0 sy970179 c 1998 Academic Press Limited 330 B. Salvy and J. Shackell asymptotics of (i) exp-log functions; (ii) Liouvillian functions and (iii) Hardy-field solutions of algebraic differential equations. All these algorithms require the use of a method for deciding zero equivalence in the class of functions concerned. This brings particular difficulties regarding constants. We discuss this matter more fully in Section 1.4. Inverse functions have long been problematic in asymptotics (Hardy, 1911;De Bruijn, 1981). However Salvy and Shackell (1992) gave an algorithm for inverting nested forms which solves the problem of expressing the asymptotic behaviour of inverse functions. In the present paper we treat the more general problem of implicit functions. More precisely, let H(x, y) denote the field obtained by closing K(x, y) ...