When spinal circuits generate rhythmic movements it is important that the neuronal activity remains within stable bounds to avoid saturation and to preserve responsiveness. In what dynamical regime does the neuronal population operate in order to achieve this? Here, we simultaneously recorded from hundreds of neurons in lumbar spinal circuits and establish the neuronal fraction that operates within either a 'mean-driven' or a 'fluctuation-driven' regime during generation of multiple motor behaviors. We find a rich diversity of firing rates across the neuronal population as reflected in a lognormal distribution and demonstrate that half of the neurons spend at least 50% of the time in the 'fluctuation-driven' regime regardless of behavior. Since neurons in this regime have a 'supralinear' input-output curve, which enhances sensitivity, whereas the mean-driven regime reduces sensitivity, this fraction may reflect a fine trade-off between stability and sensitivity in order to maintain flexibility across motor behaviors.by synaptic transients belong to the fluctuation-driven regime [Kuhn et al., 2004;Tiesinga et al., 2000], which is in contrast to mean-driven spikes where the mean membrane potential (V m ) is well above threshold Renart et al., 2007]. These two regimes have contrasting manifestations (Table 1): the fluctuation-driven regime has irregular spiking and a skewed output whereas the mean-driven regime has regular spiking and a symmetric firing rate distribution (Figure 1a-c). The degree to which neurons within a population operate in one versus the other regime may hold the key to understanding stability, dynamic range and other important properties of network operations.Here, we investigate the regimes of operation of spinal neurons during different rhythmic motor behaviors, which are generated in the lumbar spinal circuits of turtles. The mechanical stability of the turtle preparation allows electrophysiological recordings of unprecedented quality, and the high resistance to anoxia of turtles allows using adult animals with fully developed spinal circuitry, which have healthy network activity and which can perform multiple complex motor behaviors [Stein, 2005]. We use distinct scratch reflexes to investigate the population activity during multiple motor behaviors. The population consists of both motoneurons and spinal interneurons, which were widely sampled in order to cover as many cell types as possible and capture network activity. The custom designed high-density silicon electrodes recorded the population activity from hundreds of cells in the dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal axes along with the intracellular V m of single neurons and multiple relevant motor nerves (Figure 2).Our experiments demonstrate the presence of both regimes with a rich diversity of occupation across the neuronal population. The distribution of synaptic input to neurons in the fluctuation-driven regime had a symmetric Gaussian shape, which suggest that the skewness in the firing rate output is due to the nonlinear transformatio...