Industrial robots are gradually being employed in machining processes, particularly the cutting process, owing to their flexibility, mobility, and economic efficiency. However, it is difficult to make the manufacturing process intelligent owing to the complexity of robot machining process information handling and programming. In this paper, the architecture of a STEP-NC compliant closed-loop robot machining system was designed, including its function model and information stream. A methodology based on STEP-NC was established to enable the analysis of high-level information directly and automatically generating robot program according to the actual machining conditions. The STEP-NC Application Activity Model (AAM) and Application Reference Model (ARM) of closed-loop robot machining system is built to integrate the machining process data, monitoring and inspection data, mechanical equipment data, machining status data and inspection result data within a unified data flow, making it possible to realize intelligent manufacturing and adaptively adjusting the robot machining process. The proposed closed-loop robot machining system was implemented based on an open STEP-NC interpreter that interprets the high level information in STEP-NC directly to reduce machining robot programming time. An industrial camera was integrated with the robot for rawpiece positioning, then the STEP-NC interpreter can generate robot path rapidly according to the parameters of manufacturing features and position of rawpiece. The STEP-NC interpreter can generate a robot control program or communicate with a software controller using an application program interface, so it can be integrated with both existing industrial robot controllers and future open robot controllers. Finally, case studies are conducted for the functional verification of the proposed STEP-NC compliant closed-loop robot machining system.