17 O is the only stable oxygen isotope that can be detected by NMR. The quadrupolar moment of 17 O spin (I ¼ 5/2) can interact with local electric field gradients, resulting in extremely short T 1 and T 2 relaxation times which are in the range of several milliseconds. One unique NMR property of 17 O spin is the independence of 17 O relaxation times on the magnetic field strength, and this makes it possible to achieve a large sensitivity gain for in vivo 17 O NMR applications at high fields.In vivo 17 O NMR has two major applications for studying brain function and cerebral bioenergetics. The first application is to measure the cerebral blood flow (CBF) through monitoring the washout of inert H 2 17 O tracer in the brain tissue following an intravascular bolus injection of the 17 O-labeled water. The second application, perhaps the most important one, is to determine the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen utilization (CMRO 2 ) through monitoring the dynamic changes of metabolically generated H O is a stable oxygen isotope that has a magnetic moment and can be detected by NMR. Compared with nuclei such as 1 H, 31 P and 13 C that are commonly used for most in vivo MR applications, 17 O has a spin quantum number of greater than ½ (I ¼ 5/2) and possesses an electric quadrupolar moment. The natural abundance of 17 O is only 0.037%, which is almost 30 times lower than that of 13 C and 2700 times lower than that of 1 H. Moreover, the magnetogyric ratio ( ) of 17 O, which is proportional to the Larmor frequency, is 7.4 times lower than that of 1 H.