The mechanism of action of F 1 F 0 -ATP synthase is controversial. Some favor a tri-site mechanism, where substrate must fill all three catalytic sites for activity, others a bi-site mechanism, where one of the three sites is always unoccupied. New approaches were applied to examine this question. First, ITP was used as hydrolysis substrate; lower binding affinities of ITP versus ATP enable more accurate assessment of sites occupancy. Second, distributions of all eight possible enzyme species (with zero, one, two or three sites filled) as fraction of total enzyme population at each ITP concentration were calculated, and compared with measured ITPase activity. Confirming data were obtained with ATP as substrate. Third, we performed a theoretical analysis of possible bi-site mechanisms. The results argue convincingly that bi-site hydrolysis activity is negligible, and may not even exist. Effectively, tri-site hydrolysis is the only mechanism. We argue that only tri-site hydrolysis drives subunit rotation. Theoretical analyses of possible bi-site mechanisms reveal serious flaws, not previously recognized. One is that, in bi-site catalysis, the predicted direction of subunit rotation is the same for both ATP synthesis and hydrolysis; a second is that infrequently occurring enzyme species are required. F 1 is the catalytic sector of ATP synthase, the enzyme that synthesizes ATP in the last step of oxidative phosphorylation (for reviews, see Refs. 1 and 2; short reviews on individual topics can be found in Refs. 3-5). F 1 has a subunit composition of ␣ 3  3 ␥␦⑀. The three catalytic nucleotide-binding sites are located at ␣/ interfaces, mainly on the  subunits (6). F 1 can be isolated in soluble form and is an active ATPase. It is frequently used as a model for catalysis by the holoenzyme ATP synthase (also called F 1 F 0 ).F 1 (and F 1 F 0 ) can hydrolyze MgATP in different modes, depending on the substrate concentration. Two of these modes are clearly established and well characterized. At low, substoichiometric MgATP concentrations the enzyme binds MgATP with very high affinity, just to catalytic site one. A single turnover of MgATP hydrolysis ensues on this site, called "unisite catalysis," in which the chemical hydrolysis step is slow (0.1 s Ϫ1 in Escherichia coli F 1 , Ref. 1) and products release is even slower (0.001 s Ϫ1 ). On the other hand, at cellular (millimolar) substrate concentrations, all three catalytic sites are filled and interact with each other, and the enzyme turns over rapidly (ϳ100 s Ϫ1 ). This "tri-site" or "multisite catalysis" is the physiologically relevant working mode of the enzyme (1). In multisite catalysis, MgATP hydrolysis on the  subunits drives rotation of the ␥⑀c ensemble (7-9), possibly transmitted via ␣ subunits (10). In contrast, uni-site catalysis can occur without subunit rotation (11).The contribution to hydrolysis of enzyme molecules with two substrate-filled catalytic sites ("bi-site catalysis") remains enigmatic. Originally, deviations from simple Michaelis-Menten kine...