Abstract. This paper presents a semiclassical analysis of the spectrum of the Hamiltonian ir = cos(P -e) +cos ;ci+v/3 5 , +COS f ( P -A 5 ) which is a model for Bloch electrons in a magnetic field. The energy levels are determined, to a first approximation, by Bohr-Sommerfeld quantisation. Because of the translational symmetry in phase space, this leads to a lattice of infinitely degenerate states. This degeneracy is lifted by tunnelling effects, which can be described by an effective Hamiltonian of the same form as that above, but with different values of 0 and h. The calculation of the effective Hamiltonian therefore defines a renormalisation-group transformation, and it predicts that the spectrum has a complex recursive structure, which is confirmed by numerical experiments.The results complement earlier work on lattices with fourfold symmetry, in which a similar type of spectrum occurs: the greater complexity of the problem in lattices with threefold symmetry necessitated developing simpler, canonically invariant, methods of analysis.