The conformational analysis of 1,3-butadiene has been accomplished using the temperature dependences of two nuclear magnetic resonance spectral parameters, SAB and Jcc, obtained from 2,3-dideuterio-l,3-butadiene (2) and 1,1,4,4-tetradeuterio-l,3-butadiene (3), respectively. These parameters have been correlated with the trans cis conformational equilibrium (eq 1). The magnitude of the derived vicinal 2,3 proton-proton coupling of the minor conformer indicates that it is nonplanar (skew). The enthalpy difference for the trans ^skew equilibrium (la ^lc, Id) was found to be +2105 ± 44 cal/mol at AS = +1.376 eu. The compound 1,3-butadiene is generally represented as a mixture of two planar conformers, la (s-trans) and lb (s-cis), in mobile equilibrium.3 Hiickel, using theoretical considerations, suggested the possibility of two such forms as early as 1932.4