Zeolites,having widespread applications in chemical industries,are often synthesized using organic templates.These can be cost-prohibitive,motivating investigations into their role in promoting crystallization. Herein, the relationship between framework structure,c hemical composition, synthesis conditions and the conformation of the occluded, economical template tetraethylammonium (TEA + )has been systematically examined by experimental and computational means.T he results show two distinct regimes of occluded conformer tendencies:1 )Inf rameworks with al arge stabilization energy difference,o nly as ingle conformer was found (BEA, LTAa nd MFI). 2) In the frameworks with small stabilization energy differences (AEI, AFI, CHA and MOR), less than the interconversion of TEA + in solution, aheteroatom-dependent (Al, B, Co,M n, Ti,Z n) distribution of conformers was observed. These findings demonstrate that host-guest chemistry principles,i ncluding electrostatic interactions and coordination chemistry,are as important as ideal pore-filling.Microporous materials (MMs) are crystalline solids that contain pores of less than 2nm, and find applications ranging from separations and ion exchange to catalysis (zeolites are aluminosilicate MMs).[1, 2] Although over 230 frameworks are known, economic considerations,o fw hich the cost of the organic templates,r eferred to as organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs), dominate,m ean only ah andful are commercial, even though others could offer superior performance in agiven application. [3][4][5] This has inspired investigations into the complex processes governing the crystallization of MMs, with the goal of supplanting the use of expensive organics.