HELMUT BEIERBECK, GEORGE KOTOVYCH, and MAKIKO SUGIURA. Can. J. Chem. 63, 1 143 (1985). The conformations of prostacyclin, PG12, and three of its analogues, 6R-and 6s-PGII and carbacyclin, were studied by high field 'H nmr spectroscopy. The cis-bicyclo-and cis-oxabicyclo[3.3.O]octane ring conformations were completely assigned. The minima for the pseudorotational conformations are observed at 7~/ l z~ for PGI?, :,T/:~T for 6R-PGI,, and 6 E / 1 '~ for 6s-PGI, and carbacyclin. The data indicate that each molecule adopts a narrow pseudolibrational range, if not a single conformation. The a-and w-side chain conformations were characterized, but not unambiguously. Vicinal coupling constants --and nuclear Overhauser enhancements proved to be the most useful spectroscopic parameters in this study.HELMUT BEIERBECK, GEORGE KOTOVYCH et MAKIKO SUGIURA. Can. J. Chem. 63, 1143Chem. 63, (1985. In a recent series of articles (1-4) we reported ' H nmr chemical shifts and coupling constants for prostacyclin and three of its derivatives, compounds of considerable pharmacological interest. Prostacyclin or PG12, first isolated in 1976, is a potent vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet aggregation (5, 6). It is rather unstable, however, and a number of biologically active analogues were developed ( 3 , among them the isomeric 5,6-dihydroprostacyclins, 6R-PGII and 6s-PGII, and carbacyclin, in which the ether oxygen is replaced by a methylene group. In the present study we have undertaken a detailed conformational analysis, based on ' H nmr coupling constants and nuclear Overhauser effects, of this important group of prostaglandins.
ExperimentalThe samples of PGI?, 6s-PGI,, 6R-PGI,, and carbacyclin used in this study were gifts from Drs. R. A. Johnson, J. E. Pike, and D. R.
IMorton of Upjohn, Kalamazoo. For the measurements of coupling 'Paper No. 10 in a series of high-field nmr studies on the prostaglandins and leukotrienes.2Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.constants in chloroform solution, CD,OD was distilled into nmr tubes containing PGI? methyl ester or 6s-PGII, respectively, to exchange labile protons; the methanol was then evaporated and CDCI, added. The prostaglandin concentrations were -0.005 M. The samples were sealed after four freeze-pump-thaw cycles. PGIz samples were prepared in glycine/D20 buffer solutions at pH 2 10. Solutions were 0.005 M PGIz in a 0.20 M and 0.015 M buffer and 0.017 M in 0.02 M buffer to check for the effect of concentration on the T , data. The high pH was necessary to prevent PGI? hydrolysis. For 6s-and 6R-PGI,, a 0.10 M phosphate/D20 buffer of pH = 7.0 was used. The samples were weighed into nmr tubes, buffer solution added, the solvent evaporated, fresh 100% D 2 0 added, and oxygen removed in four freeze-pump-thaw cycles. 6s-PGI, concentrations were 0.005 M, 0.008 M, and 0.013 M while the 6R-PGI, solutions were 0.005 M. All glassware was cleaned extensively, including a nitric acid wash, to eliminate paramagnetic impurities.All nmr measurements were carried out on a Bruker WH-40...