The rotations around the vertical axis associated with the normal mode oscillations of the Earth and those induced by the seismic and other disturbances have been very difficult to observe directly. Such observations will provide additional information for 3D modeling of the Earth and for understanding earthquakes and other underground explosions. In this paper, we describe the design of an instrument capable of measuring the rotational motions associated with the seismic oscillations of the Earth, including the lowest frequency normal mode at Ϸ 3.7 ؋ 10 ؊4 Hz. The instrument consists of a torsion balance with a natural frequency of 0 Ϸ 1.6 ؋ 10 ؊4 Hz, which is observed by an autocollimating optical lever of high angular resolution and dynamic range. Thermal noise limits the sensitivity of the apparatus to amplitudes of Ϸ 1.5 ؋ 10 ؊9 rad at the lowest frequency normal mode and the sensitivity improves as ؊3/2 with increasing frequency. Further improvements in sensitivity by about two orders of magnitude may be achieved by operating the balance at cryogenic temperatures. Alternatively, the instrument can be made more robust with a reduced sensitivity by increasing 0 to Ϸ10 ؊2 Hz. This instrument thus complements the ongoing effort by Igel and others to study rotational motions using ring laser gyroscopes and constitutes a positive response to the clarion call for T orsional oscillations of the Earth, sometimes called torroidal oscillations were predicted in the 19th century and have been calculated with increasing precision during the recent decades. The lowest of these modes involve the oscillations of the entire mantle and have periods of Ϸ3,000 s. Careful measurement of these oscillations is of considerable importance in understanding the Earth and the mechanism of earthquakes. The rotations associated with the normal modes of the Earth have not been directly observed with the present-day instruments. Seismological studies have been mostly responsible for our understanding of the nature and dynamics of the interior of the Earth, with additional information coming from other channels such as paleomagnetism, VLBI, and GPS. At present, the seismological studies are essentially limited to monitoring global and local wave fields at various frequencies, measuring only the three components of the translational velocity of ground displacement and in some cases directly the strains. The Fourier transform of the horizontal translations yields the frequency spectrum of these oscillations, and their correspondence with theoretical calculations carried out with the PREM model of Dziewonski and Anderson allows us to identify the frequencies and Q values associated with the rotational oscillations of the Earth's mantle. In a unique effort, Igel et al. (1) have been able to detect the rotational motions induced by the M8.1 Tokachi-Oki earthquake at frequencies of the order of 30-60 mHz, using ring laser gyroscopes.Theoretical studies, for example, by Cochard et al. (2), indicate that the observations of seismic rotational mot...