Abstract• It is proved that tSe Musielak-Orhicz function space L 4, (p, X) of Bochner type 1v P-convex if and only if l>oth spaces t4(p, It) and X are P-convex. In particular, the Lebesgue-Bochner space L~(p, 2<) is P-convex uf X is P-convex.
Introduct ionRelationships between various kinds of convexities of Banach spaces and the reflexivity of them were developed by many authors. The earliest result concerning that problem was obtained by D. Milman in 1938 (seo 1 17j). Milman proved that every uniformly convex Banacb space is reflexive. D. Giesy ¡31 and RC. James [9] raised the question wbether Banach spaces which are uniformly non-4 with some positive integer n =2 (i.e. B-convex spaces) are reflexive. Although there were sorne aflirmative results in particular cases, the answer in general case was negative ¡10]. In 1970 C.A. Kottman [14] introduced a sligbtly stronger than B-convexity geometric property implying reflexivity and called it P -convexity. Ye Yining, He Miaohong and It Pluciennik [22] proved that for Orliez spaces reflexivity is equivalent to P-convexity. The same result for Musie]ak-Orhicz sequence and funetion spaces were obtained by Ye Yining and Huang Yafeng ¡231 and by P. Kolwicz and It Pluciennik [lii respectively.