We establish new existence results for the Einstein constraint equations for mean extrinsic curvature arbitrarily far from constant. The results hold for rescaled background metric in the positive Yamabe class, with freely specifiable parts of the data sufficiently small, and with matter energy density not identically zero. Two technical advances make these results possible: A new topological fixed-point argument without smallness conditions on spatial derivatives of the mean extrinsic curvature, and a new global supersolution construction for the Hamiltonian constraint that is similarly free of such conditions. The results are presented for strong solutions on closed manifolds, but also hold for weak solutions and for compact manifolds with boundary. These results are apparently the first that do not require smallness conditions on spatial derivatives of the mean extrinsic curvature. Introduction. The question of existence of solutions to the Lichnerowicz-York conformally rescaled Einstein's constraint equations, for an arbitrarily prescribed mean extrinsic curvature, has remained an open problem for more than thirty years [1]. The rescaled equations, which are a coupled nonlinear elliptic system consisting of the scalar Hamiltonian constraint coupled to the vector momentum constraint, have been studied almost exclusively in the setting of constant mean extrinsic curvature, known as the CMC case. In the CMC case the equations decouple, and it has long been known how to establish existence of solutions. The case of CMC data on closed (compact without boundary) manifolds was completely resolved by several authors over the last twenty years, with the last remaining subcases resolved and summarized by Isenberg in [2]. Over the last ten years, other CMC cases were studied and resolved; see the survey [3].