We discuss a parameter free scaling relation that yields a complete data collapse for large classes of nonequilibrium growth processes. We illustrate the power of this new scaling relation through various growth models, as for example the competitive growth model RD/RDSR (random deposition/random deposition with surface diffusion) and the RSOS (restricted solid-on-solid) model with different nearest-neighbor height differences, as well as through a new deposition model with temperature dependent diffusion. The new scaling relation is compared to the familiar Family-Vicsek relation and the limitations of the latter are highlighted.PACS numbers: 64.60.Ht,68.35.Ct,05.70.Np The study of growing interfaces has been a very active field for many years [1,2,3]. Many studies focus on the technologically relevant growth of thin films or nanostructures, but growing interfaces are also encountered in various other physical, chemical, or biological systems, ranging from bacterial growth to diffusion fronts. Over the years important insights into the behavior of nonequilibrium growth processes have been gained through the study of simple model systems that capture the most important aspects of real experimental systems [4,5].In their seminal work, Edwards and Wilkinson investigated surface growth phenomena generated by particle sedimentation under the influence of gravity [6]. They proposed to describe this process in (d + 1) dimensions by the following stochastic equation of motion for the surface height h(x, t), now called the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) equation,where ν is the diffusion constant (surface tension), whereas η(x, t) is a Gaussian white noise with zero mean and covariance η(x, t)η(y, s) = Dδ d (x − y)δ(t − s). Since Eq. 1 is linear, it can be solved exactly by Fourier transformations [2,4,6]. Later, Family [7] discussed the random deposition (RD) and random deposition with surface relaxation (RDSR) processes. RD [3,7] is one of the simplest surface growth processes. In this lattice model particles drop from randomly chosen sites over the surface and stick directly on the top of the selected surface site. Since there is no surface diffusion, the independently growing columns yield an uncorrelated and never-saturated surface. The RDSR process is realized by adding surface diffusion which allows particles just deposited on the surface to jump to the neighboring site with lowest height. This diffusion step smoothes the surface and limits the maximum interface width W (t), defined at deposition time t as the standard deviation of the surface height h from its mean value h: W (t) = h − h 2 . Starting from an initially flat surface, RDSR yields at very early times, with t < t 1 ∼ 1 (we assume here that one layer is deposited per unit time), a surface growing in the same way as for the RD process since no (or only very few) diffusion steps occur in that regime. For t > t 1 the width increases as a power law of time with a growth exponent β before entering a saturation regime after a crossover time t 2 , see Fig. 1. Both...