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ABSTRACTTransient growth is a boundary-layer instability mechanism that leads to algebraic growth of disturbances generated by surface roughness and freestream turbulence. An earlier research program verified that stationary, roughness-induced disturbances undergo transient growth but that these disturbances are sub-optimal and depend critically on the details of the receptivity process. This project seeks to provide a more complete understanding of the receptivity of transient disturbances to regular and random surface roughness as well as freestream turbulence. This objective is pursued through three separate tracks. First, a technique is developed to permit a rigorous decomposition of measured steady disturbances across the continuous spectrum of Orr-Sommerfeld/Squire eigenmodes. Second, the receptivity and transient growth of steady disturbances generated by quasi-random distributed surface roughness is investigated. Third, transient disturbances generated by controlled freestream turbulence are to be investigated.
SummaryTransient growth is a boundary-layer instability mechanism that leads to algebraic growth of disturbances generated by surface roughness and freestream turbulence. An earlier research program (AFOSR FA9620-02-1-0058, 12/01-11/04) verified that stationary, roughness-induced disturbances undergo transient growth but that these disturbances are sub-optimal and depend critically on the details of the receptivity process. This project seeks to provide a more complete understanding of the receptivity of transient disturbances to regular and random surface roughness as well as freestream turbulence. This objective is pursued through three separate tracks. First, a technique is developed to permit a rigorous decomposition of measured steady disturbances across the continuous spectrum of Orr-Sommerfeld/Squire (OS5) eigenmodes. Second, the receptivity and transient growth of steady disturbances generated by quasi-random distributed surface roughness is investigated. Third, transient disturbances generated by controlled freestream turbulence are to be investigated.This work was originally proposed as a 36-month project to be conducted at Case Western Reserve University. However, the PI, Pr...