SažetakUvod: Da bi se materijal smatrao biološki prihvatljivim neophodno je da poseduje takav površinski dizajn da što manje reaguje sa tkivom i agensima iz okoline.Nijedna metoda obrade ne može da proizvede molekularno ravnu površinu stomatoloških materijala. Cilj: istraživanja bio je ispitati hrapavost različitih stomatoloških materijala, pomoću mehaničkog profilometra. Materijal i metode: Ispitivani materijal obuhvatio je kompozit, toplo polimerizovani akrilat, hladno polimerizovane akrilate koji se koriste u protetici i ortodonciji, cirkonijum oksidnu keramiku i staklokermiku. Uzorci materijala za istraživanje su napravljeni prema uputstvu proizvođača. Merenje hrapavosti dobijenih uzoraka izvršeno je pomoću Mitutoyo prevlačenjem čitača preko uzoraka, u dva pravca (vertikalno i horizontalno), čime su dobijena dve vrednosti merenja za svaki materijal pojedinačno. Rezultati: Merenjem hrapavosti materijala, utvrđeno je da među ispitivanim uzorcima postoje značajne razlike. Najveća hrapavost izmerena je kod hladno polimerizovanog akrilata koji se koristi u protetici, dok je najmanja hrapavost izmerenakod kompozitnog materijala. Zaključak: Hrapavost je bila značajno veća kod hladno polimerizovanih akrilata u odnosu na ostale ispitivane materijale, te ga, kada je god to moguće, treba zameniti toplo polimerizvanim akrilatom.U cilju smanjenja hrapavosti stomatoloških materijala treba poštovati principe njihove pripreme i posebno površinske obrade (postupak poliranja i glaziranja).
Abstract Introduction:In order for a material to be considered biologically acceptable, it is necessary to have such a surface design that it reacts as little as possible with tissue and environmental agents. No processing method can produce a molecularly flat surface of dental materials. The aim: of the study was to examine the roughness of various dental materials, using a mechanical profilometer. Material and methods: The test included different materials such as composite, hot polymerized acrylate, cold polymerized acrylates used in prosthetics and orthodontics, zirconium oxide ceramics and glass-ceramics. Samples of the research materials were made according to the manufacturer's instructions. The measurement of the roughness of the obtained samples was performed using a Mitutoyo SJ-301 Suftest device, dragging the reader across the samples, in two directions (vertical and horizontal), thus obtaining two measurement values for each material individually. Results: By measuring the roughness of the material, it was found that there were significant differences between the samples tested. The highest roughness was measured for cold polymerized acrylates used in prosthetics, while the lowest roughness was measured for composite materials. Conclusion: The roughness was significantly higher for cold polymerized acrylates than the other tested materials and should, wherever possible, be replaced by hot polymerized acrylates. In order to reduce the roughness of dental materials, the principles of their preparation and in particular the surfac...