A small-scale reproduction of the ISO 13506-1 thermal manikin was constructed to enable the assessment of manikin sensor performance, the partitioning of energy, and the variability of the fire generated during short duration heat and flame engulfment tests. The cylindrical test apparatus simultaneously housed four total heat flux (THF) sensors, one radiant heat flux sensor, and three manikin sensors.Calibrated manikin sensors were provided by nine laboratories and were categorised as buried thermocouple, copper-based, or surface-mounted thermocouple sensors.The test apparatus was exposed to fire generated by four propane torches for three exposure durations. All sensors presented similar profiles in net heat flux over time, which could be divided into four distinct phases: transient increase, pseudo-steady state, transient decrease, and post-exposure. Over pseudo-steady state, the mean THF over all exposure durations was 88 ± 8 kW/m 2 , and the ratio of convective to radiant energy was approximately 50:50, but highly variable. For a 4-second exposure, manikin sensors from five laboratories had a bias in heat flux greater than ± 5% during pseudo-steady state when compared with the THF sensors. This bias can primarily be attributed to the sensitivity of the manikin sensors to convective heat or heat loss due to sensor design. K E Y W O R D S calibration, convection, manikin, Protective clothing against heat and flame, radiation, sensor 1 | INTRODUCTION Thermal manikins are used to evaluate the performance of complete garments exposed to short duration heat and flame engulfment. 1 Sensors embedded within the manikins' surface (manikin sensors) record the change in heat flux directly or enable the calculation of heat flux through transient changes in temperature. From heat flux, the energy transferred through the test garment over a defined time period (ISO 13506-1), and the predicted skin burn injury (ISO 13506-2) are calculated. 1,2 The manikin sensors are expected to respond to the full range of heat fluxes (approximately 0-130 kW/m 2 ) and heat transfer modes which may be encountered during tests. Heat and flame engulfment is calibrated by exposing the nude manikin (without garment) to a mean incident heat flux of 84 kW/m 2 ± 5% across all sensors over the period of pseudo-steady state* (here forth referred to as manikin exposure calibration). The heat fluxes recorded under a garment are typically much lower than those encountered during manikin exposure calibration, and are influenced by garment composition and design, and exposure duration (3-12 s). *The ISO 13506-1:2017 standard currently defines pseudo-steady state as the 'steady region' of the heat flux curve.