Here, we report an experimental realization of multimode strong coupling in cavity quantum electrodynamics. This novel regime is achieved when a single artificial atom is simultaneously strongly coupled to a large, but discrete, number of nondegenerate photonic modes of a cavity with coupling strengths comparable to the free spectral range. Our experiment reveals complex quantum multimode dynamics and spontaneous generation of quantum coherence, as evidenced by resonance fluorescence spanning many modes and ultranarrow linewidth emission. This work opens a new avenue for future experiments in light-matter interactions and poses a challenge to current theoretical approaches to its study. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.5.021035 Subject Areas: Condensed Matter Physics, Photonics, Quantum PhysicsThe study of light-matter interaction has seen a resurgence in recent years, stimulated by highly controllable, precise, and modular experiments in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) [1]. The achievement of strong coupling [2][3][4], where the coupling between a single atom and fundamental cavity mode exceeds the decay rates, was a major milestone that opened the doors to a multitude of new investigations [5,6].Here, we investigate multimode strong coupling (MMSC) [7,8], where the coupling is comparable to the free spectral range (FSR) of the cavity; i.e., the rate at which a qubit can absorb a photon from the cavity is comparable to the roundtrip transit rate of a photon in the cavity. We realize, via the circuit QED architecture, an experiment accessing the MMSC regime and report remarkably widespread and highly structured resonance fluorescence. The observed drive dependence of the width, height, and position of the fluorescence peaks cannot be explained by cavity enhancement of sidebands observed in the single-mode regime [9]. As expounded below, our observations reveal a generation of coherence across multiple frequencies mediated by a single qubit and necessitate a multimode analysis. Beyond the novel phenomena presented here, the access to the MMSC regime opens up a new direction of exploration that is of interest both theoretically and experimentally.Interest in going beyond strong coupling has focused on the ultrastrong-coupling limit, where the breakdown of the rotating-wave approximation for the light-matter interaction results in excitation nonconserving terms [10][11][12][13]. In contrast, the direction which we pursue is the simultaneous strong coupling of the qubit to numerous modes, leading to qubit-mediated mode-mode interactions and nonlinear quantum dynamics not present in the single-mode problem. Thus, MMSC demonstrates a qualitatively new domain, intermediate between the quantum mechanics of systems with a small number of degrees of freedom and full continuum quantum field theory in free space. Unlike the traditional spin-boson problem that involves a bosonic continuum with an algebraic bath spectral function of the type JðωÞ ¼ αω s , the MMSC regime is described by a structured spectral function with an infi...