Marek's disease virus affects dramatically the production of broiler chicken, hens breeding and commercial due to lost causes for carcass condemnation, presence of tumors and high mortality. Give them us derivatives by the VEM they affect significant economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide and impact the comprehensive management of poultry health and health in general. The genetic and molecular characteristics of the VEM highlight the diversity of the genome in each of the 3 serotypes of the virus; genes involved in pathogenicity, evasion of the immune response and replication strategies are consistent with the difficulty of their infection control. Viral latency and the pump of the immune response of the host, particularly the control of type I interferons, are the mechanism to help the perpetuation in the poultry and thus hamper their effective environmental control. All those conditions have allowed that the virus evolves to forms more virulent that with the use of the vaccines current does not provide a protection adequate against these; for this reason, it is necessary to reconsider current vaccination plans to improve the immune response of active type, particularly involving cell type, to control his evasion and control on the immune system.
Keywords: Gallid Herpesvirus 2, Immune system, Interferon type 1, Marek's disease, Viral latency, Virulence.
ResumenEl virus de la enfermedad de Marek afecta dramaticamente la producción de pollo de engorde, gallinas comerciales y reproductoras debido a las perdidas causas por decomisos en mataderos, presencia de tumores y alta mortalidad. Las daños derivados por el VEM repercuten en pérdidas económicas significativas en la industria avícola mundial e impactan el manejo integral de la sanidad y salud avícola en general. Las característi-cas genéticas y moleculares del VEM resaltan la diversidad genómica en cada uno de los tres serotipos del virus; genes involucrados en sus estrategias de replicación, patogenicidad y evasión de la respuesta inmune son consistentes con la dificultad del control de su infección. La latencia viral