Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics offers a powerful tool
for studying
the photochemistry of molecular systems. Key to any nonadiabatic molecular
dynamics simulation is the definition of its initial conditions (ICs), ideally representing the initial molecular quantum state
of the system of interest. In this work, we provide a detailed analysis
of how ICs may influence the calculation of experimental observables
by focusing on the photochemistry of methylhydroperoxide (MHP), the
simplest and most abundant organic peroxide in our atmosphere. We
investigate the outcome of trajectory surface hopping simulations
for distinct sets of ICs sampled from different approximate quantum
distributions, namely harmonic Wigner functions and ab initio molecular
dynamics using a quantum thermostat (QT). Calculating photoabsorption
cross-sections, quantum yields, and translational kinetic energy maps
from the results of these simulations reveals the significant effect
of the ICs, in particular when low-frequency (∼ a few hundred
cm–1) normal modes are connected to the photophysics
of the molecule. Overall, our results indicate that sampling ICs from
ab initio molecular dynamics using a QT is preferable for flexible
molecules with photoactive low-frequency modes. From a photochemical
perspective, our nonadiabatic dynamics simulations offer an explanation
for a low-energy tail observed at high excitation energy in the translational
kinetic energy map of MHP.