Computing technologies are undergoing a relentless evolution from both the hardware and software sides, incorporating new mechanisms for low-latency networking, virtualization, operating systems, hardware acceleration, smart services orchestration, serverless computing, hybrid private-public Cloud solutions and others. Therefore, Cloud infrastructures are becoming increasingly attractive for deploying a wider and wider range of applications, including those with more and more stringent timing constraints, like the emerging use case of deploying time-critical applications. However, despite the availability of a number of public Cloud offerings, and of products (or open-source suites) for deploying in-house private Cloud infrastructures, still there are no solutions readily available for managing time-critical software components with predictable end-to-end timing requirements in the range of hundreds or even tens of milliseconds. The goal of this discussion is to present the multi-domain challenges associated with orchestrating a holistic Cloud system with endto-end guarantees, which is the subject of my current PhD investigations.