Heterogeneous photocatalysis employing semiconductor nanoparticles, especially TiO 2 nanoparticles, has attained considerable research interest in recent years. [1] TiO 2 is known to exist in three polymorphic forms, viz. anatase, rutile, and brookite. [2] Often, anatase TiO 2 is considered to be the most photocatalytically active due to high adsorption affinity for organic molecules even at low concentration [3] and low recombination of charge carriers, owing to inherently present oxygen vacancies. [4] However, the inability to utilize visible light limits the practical application of TiO 2 for photocatalysis. [5] Therefore, in recent years, synthesis and application of photocatalytic heterostructures based on TiO 2 and other semiconductors/noble metals have emerged as a strategy to facilitate visible light activity. [6-9] Nanocomposites made of two of the most versatile semiconductor oxides, viz. TiO 2 and ZnO have drawn considerable attention for photocatalytic processes. [10] TiO 2-ZnO nanocomposites have shown good potential for degradation of a variety of organic pollutants, [11,12] and activity under visible irradiation was feasible due to favorable alignment of energy states of both TiO 2 and ZnO. [12-14] Heterostructures comprising of anatase TiO 2 and other metal oxides, [15] and anatase with other TiO 2 phases, such as rutile, [10] are reported to be active under visible irradiation. Their superior photocatalytic activity was attributed to the presence of anatase or a favorable anatase/rutile ratio. The superior photocatalytic activity of anatase TiO 2 is well established. [16] According to literature reports, anatase exhibits an indirect bandgap in addition to its direct bandgap, which enhances charge carrier lifetime. [17] Anatase TiO 2 , being a quasi-stable polymorph, is susceptible to formation of defects and, hence, midgap defect states. [18] On the other hand, pure rutile phase of TiO 2 is reported to be photocatalytically inferior to anatase phase. [3] Contrary to such theories, recent studies have suggested that phase transformations were controlled by the addition of ZnO, such that, at optimal Ti:Zn molar ratios, a unique mix of various TiO 2 , ZnO, and zinc titanate phases coexisted which helped in tailoring the bandgap. This facilitated visible light activity even when anatase was present in negligible amounts or even absent. [19] Interestingly,