The cultivation of vegetables under glass and plastics is one of the most intensive application fields of pesticides and chemicals for regulation of biological processes. Therefore it may potentially occur a relatively high residues contamination of the crops. The author reveals in a survey the residue situation of usual insecticides, acaricides, fungicides, and chemicals for regulation of biological processes on tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce in comparison with the maximum residue limit after cold fogging application. The residues of benomyl, carbendazim, and ethylen-bis-dithiocarbamate are detailed discussed in the light of the latest toxicological findings. The results the residues of 11 agents on the crops show that after the corresponding preharvest interval the residues constitute 1.7-78% of the maximum residue limit. The conclusion is drawn that the cold fogging application of the agents under glass and plastics does not result in food hygienic toxicological problems.