Westinghouse began the development of a compact, entrained, slagging gasifier technology utilizing in-situ fuel gas cleaning for combustion turbine power cycles in 1986. The slagging gasifier is air-blown, and produces a hot, low-heating value fuel gas that can be combusted and quenched to combustion turbine inlet temperatures while maintaining low levels of NOx emissions. The U.S. Department of Energy sponsored engineering studies and pilot testing during the period 1986 to 1992. This work has shown that the technology has promise, although performance improvements are required in some key areas. A major challenge has been the development of in-situ removal of sulfur, alkali vapor, and particulate to low enough levels to permit its use in combustion turbine power systems without additional, external gas cleaning. This paper reviews the Westinghouse slagging gasifier, direct coal-fired turbine power generation concept; the pilot test results; and the current development activities that Westinghouse is engaged in.