Studies in this volume rely on East Asian languages and their writing systems, in modern and premodern forms. Transcription and methods of romanization have been left to the discretion of individual authors based on current practice in their respective fields, and they sometimes differ between chapters. Romanized terms are given in italics, unless their usage is well established in English. All English-language translations are by individual contributors unless otherwise noted.We are fortunate to be colleagues at the same institution, where Realisms in East Asian Performance developed out of our mutual interest in theatrical realism and shared observations about its many manifestations in the performance forms we study. Our early conversations resulted in the conference Realisms in East Asian Performing Arts, originally scheduled for May 2020 and reorganized in an online format in October 2020. In this volume's journey from preliminary discussions to conference to book, we are grateful for the generosity of a number of parties along the way.We first extend our gratitude to the scholars and performers who participated in the 2020 conference; their presentations and our discussions were critical in shaping the volume. We also thank the many people and UCSB campus units involved in the details of organizing and supporting the conference: East Asia Center academic coordinator Lisa McAllister and graduate student assistant Rebecca Wear for their problem-solving acumen and energy in planning and running a virtual conference and Eric Mills and Severo De La Cruz of our respective departments for coordinating finances during the lengthy process from conference through publication.Cosponsorships for the conference came from our home departments of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies and Theater & Dance, together with the departments of History, History of Art & Architecture, the Comparative Literature program, and the East Asia Center. Professor Abdulhamit Arvas graciously supported the project while still a colleague at UCSB. We also received conference funds from the Deans of the College of Letters and Science and a financial award and conference publicity assistance from the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center.We are especially grateful to the Carsey-Wolf Center at UCSB, whosexii Acknowledgments generous Faculty Research Support Grant aided us greatly for both the conference and the volume.We thank the reviewers of the original volume proposal and later of the manuscript. Not only were we gratified by their recognition of the volume's potential, but their comments spurred us to further develop that potential into what we hope is a volume that will provoke ongoing discussion and research. Not knowing who those anonymous reviewers are, we express our sincere gratitude here.The University of Michigan Press has been a dream press, and LeAnn Fields a dream editor for her expertise, enthusiasm, and ability to make a long and complicated process clear and smooth-sailing. We feel extremely fortunate to have seen this volu...