2004-2009I am an author of over 370 articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Physical Review Letters. For a full listing, search SPIRES using FIND a HONG and (exp BABAR or exp CERN-WA-096). Below is a list of articles in which I played a major role. 2009 B. Aubert et al., "Observation and study of baryonic B decays: B →D ( * ) pp, D ( * ) ppπ, and D ( * ) ppππ," submitted to the 24th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies, Hamburg, Germany (2009) [hep-ex/0908.2202]. Phys. Rev. D article in preparation. 2006 B. Aubert et al., "Measurements of the decays B 0 →D 0 pp, B 0 →D * 0 pp, B 0 →D − ppπ + , and B 0 →D * − ppπ + ," Phys. Rev. D 74, 051101(R) (2006) [article, hep-ex/0607039]. 2005 W. Menges et al., "The BABAR muon system upgrade," IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conf. 5 1470-1474 (2006) [physics/0609039]. 2004 D. Naumov et al., "A study of strange particles produced in neutrino neutral-current interactions in the NOMAD experiment," Nucl. Phys. B 700 51 (2004) [article, hep-ex/0409037].