This study aims to describe the principle obedience to pragmatic rules, particularly the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle in Javanese humor meme discourses. The research design used in this study is descriptive with the research object of the principle obedience to the maxims in the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle in Javanese humor meme discourses. Realizing the Javanese humor memes has been done in many different ways but viewed from the pragmatic aspect it is still obedient to the maxims in the Cooperative Principle as well as the Politeness Principle. Principle obedience to the maxims in the Cooperative Principle includes: too much contribution, accurate utterances with evidence, utterances using relevant comparison, and clear and orderly utterances. The meme utterance principle obedience to the Politeness Principle is manifested in the expressions which contain the utterances that are beneficial to others, the utterances that give others their own choices, the utterances that contain self-control, the utterances that contain praises to others' speech, the utterances that contain one's similarity to fireworks, the utterances that contain one's acceptance of others, and the utterances that contain congratulating expressions.