In many contexts the modal properties of a structure change, either due to the impact of a changing environment, fatigue, or due to the presence of structural damage. For example during flight, an aircraft's modal properties are known to change with both altitude and velocity. It is thus important to quantify these changes given only a truncated set of modal data, which is usually the case experimentally. This procedure is formally known as the generalised inverse eigenvalue problem. In this paper we experimentally show that first-order gradient-based methods that optimise objective functions defined over a modal are prohibitive due to the required small step sizes. This in turn leads to the justification of using a non-gradient, black box optimiser in the form of particle swarm optimisation. We further show how it is possible to solve such inverse eigenvalue problems in a lower dimensional space by the use of random projections, which in many cases reduces the total dimensionality of the optimisation problem by 80% to 99%. Two example problems are explored involving a ten-dimensional mass-stiffness toy problem, and a one-dimensional finite element massstiffness approximation for a Boeing 737-300 aircraft.