The effect of a repeated burning on soil hydrology and erosive parameters was studied on a Mediterranean forest soil (Rendzic leptosol) with the aim of identifying the effects of the fire and climatic parameters related to the post-fire runoff and soil loss. The study was carried out in an Experimental Permanent Field Station (La Concordia), close to Valencia (Spain).This field station is located on a calcareous hillside facing SSE, and is comprised of nine erosion plots (20×4 m). Firstly, experimental fires were performed in June 1995 with two fire treatments (T1 or high severity fire and T2 or moderate severity fire) and a control one Fire effects were reflected in the erosion rates. Soil losses prior to the 2003 fire, in both fire treatments and in the control one, were scant relative to post-fire levels. However, six months after the repeated fire (period II) and almost one year later (period IV), soil losses increased into two orders of magnitude coinciding with the post-fire bare soil augment. The repeated fire impact and rainfall intensity magnified runoff and soil loss. Significant linear relationships between rainfall intensity, runoff and soil loss, were obtained for the burned plots. In the
Comentario [o1]:It is not good to include four paragraphs in an abstract like this. I think two is maximum, so I connected the first and second, and the third and fourth paragraphs. 3 60 burned areas, rain intensities increased to 20 mm h -1 augmenting the runoff and soil loss in one and two orders of magnitude, respectively.