The purpose in this paper is to investigate about the behavior of aeronautics composite material subjected to a low energy impact. Low velocity impact in aircraft composite panels is a matter of concern in modern aircraft and can be used either from maintenance accidents tools or in-flight impact with debris. The proposed study considers the dynamics of impact between a small piece of granular material and a large body of composite material. The principal aim is to simulate the impact of runway debris throw-up by the landing gear against an airplane structure. In this simulation, I want to investigate on CFRP composite panels affected by granular particles at low speed in theoretical and experimental tests. The finite element analysis, initially on the macroscale and subsequently on the microscale, shows the damage inside the composite according to the experimental results, but by itself, this classic numerical approach is little suitable to investigate the complete phenomenon. Developing the question, in first step by the classical approach, appears difficult on macro and microscale relationship besides their reciprocal influence over the deformation field. To resolve the last question, I will perform the first step on macroscale FEM analysis and then reduce from the size and effects over an opportune created RVE, such that microscale main effects as local delamination can be reproduced.