Introduction. Posttraumatic splenic cysts are most commonly the result of
blunt force trauma to the abdomen. They usually develop from subcapsular or
intraparenchymal hematomas and these cysts are typically asymptomatic.
Diagnostics includes clinical history and radiological imaging procedures.
Surgical treatment is only curative modality of treatment. Case outline. A
43-year-old female patient, without comorbidities, was admitted to the
health institution for additional diagnostics and surgical treatment.
Laboratory test results were within the reference ranges while serological
test results for hydatid disease were negative. An abdominal CT examination
was subsequently performed confirming a splenic cyst positioned in the
central part of the spleen. After a laparoscopic partial pericystectomy of
the cyst, we identified another smaller cyst of the spleen. According to the
estimation of the surgical team, the intraoperative appearance of the
remaining tissue of the spleen was less than a third of the entire spleen. .
The decision was taken to perform a splenectomy in the best interests of the
patient, bearing in mind the possibility of complications Conclusion.
Accurate diagnosis of posttraumatic splenic cysts remains a challenge,
despite state-of-the-art radiological imaging procedures that are applied.
In addition to the well-known modalities of treatment, the laparoscopic
surgical approach, i.e., minimally invasive treatment, should be the one of
choice, if the situation allows it. The laparoscopic approach is a
diagnostic and therapeutic method whose effect can especially be observed
when the intraoperative finding differs from the preoperative radiological