A 42-year-old patient without notable history, the victim of a highway accident (pedestrian struck by a truck). Admitted to the emergency for severe chest trauma; on admission, the patient was conscious, polypneic, with abdominal breathing, hemodynamically stable. After setting condition, a chest radiograph performed showed left rib fractures with a dissociated fragment from the chest wall, a left fractured scapula and soft parenchymal opacities (Figure 1).The Chest CT objectified multiple storied rib fractures of 2nd to 5th left costal arch with a bone fragment in the endothoracic position threatening pulmonary artery, a moderate left pleural effusion, a basement filling with left lung collapse (Figure 2 and 3). A left thoracic drainage extracted 500cc of blood. The fracture of the scapula was managed by orthopedic treatment. After three days of monitoring in surgical reanimation, the patient respiratory evolution was severe with desaturation to 73%. The arterial gazometry showed a pH to 7.43, a Pa O2 to 34 mmHg and PaCO2 to 39, 4mmhg. wich posed the indication of intubation with assisted ventilation to normalize gasometry results. Furthermore the patient showed signs of pulmonary infection (T°: 38.2, purulent secretions, WBC: 16400 e/mm 3 , CRP: 237 mg/l). Protected distal samples were made and the patient received an antibiotherapy (Amikacin (1g/24h) + Ceftazidime (1 g/6H)) according to the results of the antibiogram with good clinical and biological evolution. The patient had also respiratory physical therapy with daily tracheal aspirations. At the 5th day the patient was extubated and the chest tube removed.