While the Affordable Care Act improves access to lactation services for many women across the US, low-income mothers in states without Medicaid expansion lack coverage for lactation support. As these states consider individual Medicaid reimbursement policies, the availability, effectiveness, and cost-benefit of lactation services must be evaluated. We conducted such an analysis for low-income mothers in North Carolina (NC), providing a model for other states.
First, we analyzed the distribution of NC International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) and county-level breastfeeding rates among low-income infants. Logistic regression was used to examine the association between IBCLC density and six-week breastfeeding duration. Finally, state advocates collaborated on a cost-benefit analysis of Medicaid coverage of IBCLCs.
Maps of the NC breastfeeding support landscape indicate that IBCLCs are available to provide services to low-income women across the state. Compared to counties with no IBCLCs, those with high IBCLC density were found to have a six-week breastfeeding prevalence ratio of 1.20 (95% CI: 1.12, 1.28). Medicaid reimbursement of IBCLCs showed an estimated annual cost savings of $2.33 million.
In one state without Medicaid expansion, we found that breastfeeding support resources are available across the state, high density IBCLC support is associated with increased breastfeeding by low-income mothers, and services are cost-effective. Our model for Medicaid reimbursement in NC provides a framework for states to improve equity in access to optimal lactation support.