Teaching students under the conditions of COVID-19 epidemic requires fundamental changes in the system of education, the use of new technologies, approaches and facilities. The paper deals with the experience of implementing hybrid learning when conducting educational geological field practice for students majoring in construction at Samara State Technical University, which took place in the summer of 2021. In the case of mixed training lectures are realized in the online format, and laboratory, seminar classes and practical training are conducted face-to-face, with the obligatory observance of safety measures and in small groups. A new geological route for the geological training practice within the central part of the city on the fourth stage of the embankment of the Volga River was developed. The use of the new route will allow to study the properties of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, features of the course and results of exogenous geological processes (gully formation, landslides, karst formation, abrasion, weathering, etc.) and the geomorphological structure of the Volga River valley. The location of the route within the city center, not far from the university buildings will allow to carry out educational geological practice in small groups, without any organization of trips and study tours to geological sites, which is relevant during the pandemic.