We theoretically study 37 Rydberg states of HeH derivable from the He(1s
2) + H(nl) configuration with n ≤ 5 along with three states with n = 6. The multireference configuration interaction method is used to calculate their electronic energy curves (EECs) for the internuclear distance R from 0 to 28a
0, which are regarded as the united‐atom (UA) and separated‐atoms (SA) limits, respectively. The 15 Rydberg series (nsσ, npσ, ndσ, nfσ, ngσ, ndδ, nfδ, ngδ, ngγ, npπ, ndπ, nfπ, ngπ, nfϕ, and ngϕ) are identified. Bingel's perturbation theory is used to explain the role of the core part and the Rydberg orbitals in the behavior of EECs at small R. Smith's theory of diabatization is directly solved to obtain the diabatic quantum defect curves (QDCs). From the correlations in diabatic QDCs between the UA and SA limits, the following order of orbital energies in the equilibrium region is found: npσ < nsσ < npπ < ndσ < ndπ < nfσ < nfπ < nfδ < nfϕ < ndδ, except 5dδ < 5fϕ. This order is identical to that in one‐electron molecular systems at small R, except for the nsσ and npπ series. The correlation rules are n
UA = n
SA + 1 for the npσ series and n
UA = n
SA for other series; additionally, l
UA = l
SA for all cases except for the 2pσ − σ1s correlation. A reversal of the diabatic dipole moment at avoided crossing points of the nsσ and npσ series is observed, and explained by the behaviors of ns and np wavefunctions of H at small R.